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I have often heard from our candidates interviewing for various positions that a great boss/supervisor will “seal the deal” or “springboard my career.” It’s true, they might. An effective boss gets the most out of his people. Great bosses make great mentors too.

Most bosses want to be great, and be effective leaders too. So you ask, “how do I hit a home run with my boss?” Here are three things you should know.

  1. A great boss will expect performance, but will also be fair. Effective leaders push their team members in order to maximize their skill sets and core competencies. Do you wonder why companies are so critical to get sharp, experienced people? Great bosses try to surround themselves with the best people to do the best job for the team and the company. Therefore, do what you say and say what you do. Be consistent. Produce quality work all the time.
  2. A great boss will delegate responsibilities. Having vision is key to effective leadership. So listen to the vision. Soak it up. Accept constructive criticisms (or what I used to call, “teaching moments”) and enjoy your “5 minutes of fame” on a job or project that is well done. A great boss will expect responsibilities to be carried out properly and effectively. So always do the best job the first time.
  3. A great boss will not forget the little things. We all know that feeling when someone remembers and recognizes your birthday, anniversary, or big accomplishment. Well, the boss who remembers the day you stayed late to help with a board presentation or finish up a proposal always makes a mental note and recalls those details when performance evaluation comes around. These are all good signs that your boss is paying attention to you, and your work.


So remember, a great boss can’t be ideal or perfect all the time. He or she can be tough on the outside and it is their job to produce for the company. Keep in mind you can hit that home run by developing consistency, trust, and of course hard work. Performing at your best will always yield top-notch results. Be up to the task, be sharp, and don’t give up.

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