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Deciding on a career change is one of most exciting yet “nerve-racking” times in anyone’s life – especially in a competitive and candidate driven market. Here are some tips to digest when you get that call to join a company from your recruiter and/or the client:
1. While verbal offers are the first indicator of “WE WANT YOU!”, wait for the written offer as a next step.

2. Discuss the details of the offer with your recruiter. He/she may be able to suggest if there is any “wiggle room” on the salary. Nowadays, companies are giving out their best offer thus avoiding the “haggle” factor.

3. Don’t worry about minimal tweaks like 2-3% on the bonus or a few thousand dollars in the base salary. Hiring managers these days have a lot more flexibility and in some cases have discretionary dollars for a new hire after the first 6-12 months. The bottom line is this: Work hard, be a team player, produce quality work, and you will be rewarded.

4. Remember acceptance, even verbal acceptance is a commitment – make sure that you have all the details about the offer before making that commitment.

5. Don’t be pressured into a hasty decision. Be sure to ask for an appropriate amount of time to evaluate the offer and make a decision. Typically 2 or 3 days is a reasonable amount of time to make a decision – a week would be dragging it out, on the spot would be somewhat unrealistic.

6. Remember, an acceptance, even a verbal acceptance is a serious commitment. Don’t accept if you think you may have to back out later, unless something changes drastically (personal situation, etc.)

7. Before leaving your old employer, hand deliver a signed resignation letter to your immediate supervisor. Make it simple, upbeat about your tenure with the company, and always give a two week notice. You may wrap-up in a few days or stay the entire time – either way you get compensated for the two weeks.

8. Call your new hiring manager directly with appreciation about the offer and excitement about your new position!

9. As a courtesy, notify other recruiters/companies that your job search is over. It is unethical to continue a job search after accepting a position.

10. Congratulations! Treat yourself! Celebrate! You are now launched into a new company, new career track, and new environment. Enjoy! And make it count!

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